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Wedding of the Decade Highlights Leyeco III Ruby Jubilee


Tunga, Leyte – “I do.” Two words and three letters that will last for a lifetime! Eight (8) grooms and eight (8) brides exchanged these words during the Ruby Jubilee Celebration of Leyte III Electric Cooperative, Inc. (LEYECO III) on October 30, 2015. It was the Wedding of the Decade for the 40th Founding Anniversary of LEYECO III. The newly-weds are employees of the coop who courageously faced the altar to solemnize and receive the sacrament of matrimony for their union.

The Wedding Ceremony was solemnized by three priests. One of the solemnizing priests, Rev. Fr. Arc Bureres, is the son of the COMD Supervisor of LEYECO III Arsenio D. Bureres. Another priest, Rev. Fr. Engelbert Tiu, is the son of the former Board of Director Tiu. The main celebrant is the parish priest of Tunga, Rev. Fr. Gil Logramonte.


The employees who exchanged vows were Hilda Ponferrada – Complaint Officer with her husband Leandro, Maria Lisa Arcallana – Meter Calibrator with her husband Kim, Ronnie Tan – Stock Clerk with his wife Richiel, Randy Balasanos – Meter Reader with his wife Ritchie, Engr. Dennis J. Gaspang – PDE Head with his 

wife Arlene, Larry Candare – Meter Reader with his wife Judith, Reimbert Yobia – Meter Reader with his wife Mitz and Marlito Brun – Substation Tender with his wife Judith.


“Had it not been for our new general manager Allan L. Laniba, we could not find the courage to satiate the holiness of the sacrament of marriage,” Bride Hilda Ponferrada said.

The wedding rings of the eight couples were personally given by the couple GM Laniba and his wife Rudelyn who always advocate that marriage should be done at the altar of God not just in the civil rite.


“The altar is so amazing. It is designed as St. Peter’s Basilica of Rome. It’s simply designed but grandiose,” one of the guests enthused.


“I personally thanked the Board of Directors headed by President Cornelio Q. Brazil who always support the institutional programs of the coop, and the employees who gave their time, efforts and talents to make the Ruby Jubilee very successful,” GM Laniba said.


The Wedding of the Decade was also attended by NEA Director Nora Rivera as the Keynote Speaker and the incumbent governor of the Province of Leyte Dominic Petilla.

Simultaneously during the wedding was the Duet Competition. The contestants rendered their winning piece of songs as the newly wed couples walked along the aisles.  

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